Albemarle County Community Survey
This survey was conducted for the Albemarle County Community during the winter of 2020 to:
- determine opinions about quality of life in Albemarle;
- assess satisfaction with County services and preferences for tax allocation;
- identify barriers and level of access to resources and assets within the county;
- understand residents’ sense of belonging and preferences for inclusion; and
- measure opinions on growth and development.

A total of 2,431 Albemarle residents participated in the survey. A mixed-probability design was used to allow all community members to respond while still ensuring that the results were reflective of the county’s demographics.
Nine out of ten respondents said overall quality of life in Albemarle County was either “Excellent” or “Good”. When asked whether the quality of life would increase or decrease over the next 5 years, 46% expected it to decrease. Their primary concern was that Albemarle’s growth would outpace the capacity of its infrastructure, leading to overcrowding, increased traffic, and lack of affordable housing.

When asked about transportation concerns, residents expressed the highest level of concern for traffic congestion (88% reported being “Somewhat” to “Very” concerned). For allocation of tax dollars, residents identified improvements to transportation as their main concern. In particular, they would like to see less traffic, more public transportation, safer bike lanes, and better roads in rural parts of the county.
The management of the county’s growth and development is a significant concern of Albemarle residents, with 68% believing the county’s rate of growth over the past few years has been too fast. While 73% of respondents consider supporting economic development “important” or “very important” for employment and other opportunities, they are also worried that ease of transportation may decrease and housing may become unaffordable as a result of future growth in Albemarle.
For the full report and all related content, download the files below.