Karen Conrad, MEd
Karen Conrad, MEd's Biography
Karen has designed and delivered executive, leadership, and management development programs and facilitated organizational development interventions for both public, private, and non-profit organizations. Her clients include Wachovia, now Wells Fargo, BonSecours Health System, VCU Health, McGuireWoods, LLC, Virginia Bankers Association, ATF, Virginia State Police, Amerisource Bergen, Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, and various community banks in Virginia. Karen has served as a facilitator and coach in the Federal Executive Institute’s Center for Leadership Development in programs such as Leadership for a Democratic Society program and USAID Leadership and Air Force Leadership Development Programs since 2015. Karen has over 25 years in banking and as an independent consultant to public, private sector, and non-profit organizations. Karen is a certified executive leadership coach.
As an executive coach, Karen has worked with leaders at all levels in organizations to assist them in seeing the possibilities of taking themselves and their work groups to new levels of performance. As a consultant, Karen has designed and delivered leadership development training programs to all divisions in organizations focused on self-leadership, leading others, leading teams, sales management and coaching, sales training, customer relationship building and service, and achieving organizational goals. She has completed organizational development interventions with teams to improve trust, communications and results. Karen’s experience provides her with the knowledge and skills to provide leadership development, coaching and organizational development grounded in reality and enabling clients to reach new possibilities.
Karen has a B.S. in Psychology, a M.S. in Adult Education, and a graduate certificate in Leadership Coaching. Karen holds a variety of professional certifications among which are Myers Briggs Type Indicator, DiSC, Situational Leadership, Managing High Performing Teams, Stephen Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations, Conversational Intelligence, Four Lenses, Change Style Indicator, Influence Style Indicator, Coaching Behaviors Inventory, Lominger Career Architect, and PDI, Leadership Circle, OPM and CCL Benchmarks 360.