Andria McClellan
Andria McClellan's Biography
Term ends 12/31/2024
Sorensen Alumna: PLP 2013
Norfolk, Virginia
Andria McClellan represents Superward 6 on the Norfolk City Council of Norfolk. She serves as Vice Chair of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission and is a member of the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads (HRT). From 2018-2019, she co-chaired the Mayor’s Commission on Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation, creating the region’s first-ever Climate Action Plan. She is a current board member of WHRO, CIVIC Leadership Institute, Elizabeth River Trail Foundation, 757 Angels, 757 Accelerate, UVA Center for Politics, and the Democratic Business Alliance of South Hampton Roads. Andria is a graduate of the University of Virginia and the Wharton Management Program at the University of Pennsylvania. She worked for two Fortune 500 companies and also ran two small businesses.