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2024 HSLP: Day 7

High School Leaders Program Class of 2024
Day 7: Friday, July 19th
Reported By: Gavin Fore, Gonzaga College High School and Zaki Siddiqui, Midlothian High School

We started off the day with a breakfast of cereal and bagels at the O-Hill dining hall. Following which we journeyed to the classroom where we began our lectures with speaker Malena Llanos. As Executive Vice President of the Virginia Young Democrats she had lots of interesting experiences and insights for the class to learn from. We learned about her career path ranging from her involvement in Obama’s 2012 reelection, to her advocacy at the Capitol, and her eventual position as Executive Vice President of the Young Democrats. Following Malena’s lecture we were visited by our second speaker of the day, Kayla Mock. Kayla taught us the process of creating a union and the importance of doing so. Hearing about the stories of workers whose lives were improved through unions and the statistics on their successes, outlined the role they play in creating a safe and secure work environment. After two amazing talks we ventured to O-Hill dining hall for our second meal of the day.

After we came back from lunch at OHill, we went immediately into a panel with two lawyers, Maisie Osteen, Senior Attorney – Civil Rights & Racial Justice Center and Josephus Allmond, Staff Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center. They both gave important and very interesting information regarding law school and their jobs. We then walked over to the Education School at UVA and had one on one college prep information checks with recent highschool and college graduates. They helped tell us what we need for college applications and how to be prepared. We then walked back to the classroom and had a wonderful talk by Mr. Thomas Turner, a conservative lobbyist for clean energy. He helped us understand different perspectives and the misconceived notions about the Republican party. We then went to O-Hill for a lovely dinner and headed back to the dorms where we worked on policy preliminary reports and prepared for the senate simulation the next morning.

2024 HSLP: Day 8

Go to the Next Day of Adventure!